Monday, June 28, 2010


The movie starts with an Indian traveling somewhere in South Africa. While he was in his room in the train, someone saw him and complained too a train conductor. In spite of: he was lawyer, had I nice costume made in England, posses a fires class ticket, he was thrown from the train at next station because he was an Indian. Indians were not allowed to stay in first class room then even if they posses first class ticket.
Gandhi then decided to walk to his destination. When he arrived he was a few
weeks late. People who were waiting for him asked him what happened and he
told them and suggest them to fight against such an unjust thing. Trough a few
meetings he convinced all Indians to protest against that.
He organized non-violent protests and achieved equal rights as other white man
had. After he decided to move in India. When he arrived crowds of Indians were
waiting for him. Gandhi was already well known in India for his success in South Africa. Chiefs from different part of India met him and suggest to fight for
Indian rights. He traveled trough India saw people needs and afterwards he
start organizing peaceful protests. This way he obtain tax reduction access to
salt which were unavailable before. Soon he trough his protests he obtained India independence. The only his loss in this fight was that he could not convince
Muslim India(after Pakistan) and Hindu India to become one country.
He was killed by a Hindu assassin while he was trying to convince people
for unification. All his achievement in protests organized by him were through a opposition simply by not cooperating. So if someone does not talk to you my reader means he is using Gandhi's passive resistance.
Some of his words are well known like:
"Be the change you wish to see in the world"
"Eye for an eye make a whole world blind"

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