Here my dear reader you are going to find out, why have I started blogging.
About two years ago I was thinking to make my own web page just for fun
and that way I thought,"I will learn html and css".Being lazy, having less
free time, and working at two jobs I posted just one post. My blog stayed
for a long time without any updates, growing old and becoming obsolete.
One day I met a person who sad "blogging is cool !! because you can write
about you favorite band". Sure that person did not say exactly what I wrote a
sentence before, but I do not remember the way I was told. Main thing is that
I was inspired that way. The idea come to my head a few days after.
Since I am not a native English speaker and I am studying this language
for about three years, and still making mistakes. Writing wrong is not
something knew for me, but I can correct my writing by blogging. I will employ
an army of volunteers who are going to read my blog and write comments.
My mistakes are corrected by your comments. If story I write is unpleasant don't
be shy just tell me. I will change it if is a serious issue.
As time will pas the need for design will increase and same as need for
learning html and css. That way I achieve two aims at ones. If there are any
idea of subject I should write send me a comment. See you my reader on your